"On January 13th, I attended the Deeper Still event, and I really have no regrets!
Beforehand, I read the invitation and the text about Joy that accompanied it. I thought, 'I'll go, but I don't expect to experience much joy. I've been going through a lot of pain, disappointment, and feelings of loneliness for a while. When I look around, I see so much suffering and so much struggle that the feeling of despair often overwhelms me. Nevertheless, I went and was so touched by the words spoken. The people radiated peace and love, which was already wonderful to experience. The teaching was truly directed to my soul; I absorbed the words well and gained a different perspective on joy. Believing in God doesn't mean you dance in joy forever; there is actual pain in this world. But I learned that there is much joy and even humor in God's presence. His Spirit wants to pour out gladness upon us, and that's what happened that day. That's what He desires the most!
During the prayer spoken over me by the ministry team, a lot surfaced; the pain was touched, and at first, it seemed to get worse. But that day, I was able to leave a significant portion of pain behind, and I felt that something was taken away from me. In the following week, I experienced so much joy in my inner being at the oddest moments; I laughed again! God clearly touched me and let me know that He is with us in the ongoing struggle. However painful it may feel at times, I now know again that I am not alone and that even in the gray days, there can be joy. I can enjoy life again!"